Autocompounder for partner tokens
In DISC, autocompound will happen every 30 minutes if the pending reward is at least $100. If the pending reward is less than $100, it will be compounded automatically after maximum of 4 hours.
The compound can be used manually anytime by clicking “Compound” on the vault interface.
Efficiently execute yield farming strategies.
Compound rewards into the initially deposited token amount.
Use various of assets as liquidity.
Put any asset to work to generate a yield.
Reinvest earned profits.
Sit back and watch your investment grow!
TEENAGER Vaults are pools which have not been audited by third party, but only checked by Synergy DEV team.
When the TVL of TEENAGER Vaults reaches $100.000+, they will become BIG BOY Vaults.
Teenager: 8% fee on each auto compound
Big Boy: 9% fee on each auto compound
2.5% ( 3% BB ) buy back and burn underlying protocol token
2.5 % ( 3% BB ) buy back and burn of CRS
2% to Treasury
1% gas fee (compound every 30 minutes)
No deposit and withdrawal fee
Fees are already built into the APY of each vault and daily rate. You don’t need to calculate these yourself.
How auto compound works?
The vaults will then automatically harvest the farming rewards and sell them for the other tokens in LPs. Each time this is done, the vaults will reinvest these tokens into LPs and deposit the LPs back on the farm on behalf of the user. This means that each day, the user’s deposit will earn more tokens than the last. This is the concept of compound interest at work.
By automatically selling reward tokens earned on arbitrary farms, and reinvesting capital into more LP tokens deposited back into the farm, it will perpetually earn more and more rewards. DISC can achieve astronomical compound interest rates.
Moreover, DISC offers extra bonus rewards in CRS, which can be claimed anytime (no lock-up).
What is harvesting on deposit?
Many of DISC vaults "Harvest on Deposit". This means that when you deposit into the vault, you are also calling the harvest function of the vault's strategy. By calling the harvest function, you trigger the collection of pending farm rewards and compounding those rewards back into the vault tokens for everyone.
Does the performance fee get taken out when I withdraw my funds?
No, the performance fees are on profits and are taken every time someone calls the harvest function.
Does the vault page show the APY?
Yes. Our displayed APY values reflect the predicted rate earned on a vault in a year. This rate is determined by the underlying platform it uses, the strategy that it is interacting with at the time, and the total amount of funds in the vault. It also takes into account the effect of compounding. As a unique feature, we have also included all vault fees in the APY calculation. What you see is what you get!
What will I get out when I make a vault withdrawal?
You will always withdraw the token type that you deposited because at DISC you earn what you stake. You will get the amount you deposited plus the yield generated.
How do LP vaults work?
Liquidity pool (LP) vaults work by reinvesting the fees awarded to LP participants. In return for providing liquidity to the pool, many platforms reward investors with tokens. Our vaults regularly harvest these rewards, sell them, buy more of the LP’s underlying assets, and then reinvest to complete the cycle.
This compounds the rewards gained from a liquidity pool. DISC creates strategies that automate this process, saving you time and gas fees in comparison to farming manually.
Last updated