The only place you get CRYSTAL ($CRS) by staking
Epoch duration: 8 hours
Deposit your $DIA and get your $CRS reward if TWAP (Time-Weighted Average Price) is >1.
Deposits/withdrawals of DIA into/from the ARK will lock DIA for 4 epochs and CRS rewards for 3 epochs.
CRS rewards claim will lock staked DIA for 4 epochs and the next CRS rewards can only be claimed 3 epochs later.
Distribution of CRS during Expansion
80% Reward for ARK Diamonds Stakers
7.5% Treasury
7.5% Team Wallet
5% Lottery
Epoch Expansion
The first 21 epochs will be the boost phase with a rate of 4.5% regardless of the CRS price. After the boost phase, it will follow an expansion rate of 3.0% and continue as normal.
There will be no mint (rewards) if TWAP of CRS is less than 1 BUSD.
ARK UI information
Next Seigniorage indicates a countdown timer to the next epoch.
APR (Annual Percentage Rate) refers to the simple returns in USD value relative to the amount of DIA staked (USD value).
APR fluctuates from time to time and is dependent on certain factors such as: * Price of CRYSTAL * Price of DIAMOND * Amount of DIAMOND staked in ARK (Locked Value)
Last updated