Support the peg!

This is a special incentivized Peg support pool with multi-token rewards that will be activated below 1 TWAP.

You can think of this pool as a much better version of bonds, since it not only controls circulating supply but also applies buying pressure on $CRS with every deposit.

It's important to remember that when the ARK isn't printing because CRS TWAP is below 1 The Crystal Burning Vault is printing so moving between these pools is the best way to not only support Synergy but also maximise your returns


  • You deposit any amount of BUSD to the pool.

Upon depositing your BUSD is zapped into the CRS/BUSD LP pool where 50% of the deposit is used to buy CRS to pair with your BUSD

You gain a yield in DIA and BUSD while you wait with a dynamic APR based on the total amount funding the reward pool.

You can withdraw at any time but may incur withdrawal taxes based on the TWAP (see graph below).

Deposits are disabled at 1 TWAP and no rewards are earned after 1 TWAP. (this is where moving to the ARK OR Farms will maximise your income)

  • Upon withdrawal, you will receive the LP tokens created in the inital deposit. ( Ready to be staked into the Farms 🙂 )

Risk Involved

  • If the price of $CRS increases greatly over a short period of time, then it may be more profitable to hold $CRS instead of depositing them into this pool.

  • If the price of $CRS stays under 1 TWAP for a long time, then depositors would have to stay in the pool in order to get back their initial deposit after considering the withdrawal fee.

Last updated